If you are not yet able to specify a return date, the insurance end date will initially be set to the maximum insurance period. However, a shortening (minimum term 2 months) or a change of tariff to the unlimited tariff is possible at any time. From a duration of stay of more than one year, you need a long-term care insurance for additional protection. It serves as a precaution for the case of nursing care.
Initially, insurance coverage with a term of 12 months is requested. However, a shortening (minimum term 2 months) or extension is possible at any time.
The end of the insurance is initially set to the maximum insurance period. However, a shortening (minimum term 2 months) or a change of tariff to the unlimited tariff is possible at any time. From a duration of stay of more than one year, you will need a compulsory nursing care insurance for additional coverage. It serves as a precaution for the case of nursing care.